Tour Building Wheels
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Tour Building wheels are designed for 3D navigation within the interior of a model.
The big Tour Building wheel is divided into the following wedges:
- Forward Adjusts the distance between the current point of view and the defined pivot point of the model.
- Look Swivels the current view.
- Rewind Restores the most recent view. You can move backward or forward through previous views.
- Up/Down Moves the view on the vertical axis of the screen.
The mini Tour Building wheel is divided into the following wedges:
- Walk (Top wedge) Simulates walking through a model.
- Rewind (Right wedge) Restores the most recent view. You can move backward or forward through previous views.
- Up/Down (Bottom wedge)Moves the view on the vertical axis of the screen.
- Look (Left wedge) Swivels the view.
To switch to the big Tour Building wheel:
- From the Views menu, choose SteeringWheels > Tour Building Wheel.
- Click the wheel menu button at the lower-right corner of a big wheel and choose Basic Wheels > Tour Building Wheel.
To switch to the mini Tour Building wheel:
- Click the wheel menu button at the lower-right corner of a big wheel and choose Mini Tour Building Wheel.
- From the Views menu, choose SteeringWheels > Mini Tour Building Wheel.
November 9, 2008 at 7:47 PM
Makin mantabs ajah,saya kesini sambil belajar bahasa inggris sama 3ds sekalean....
November 9, 2008 at 8:36 PM
November 12, 2008 at 7:53 PM
walaaaah,saya malah kagak ngerti bahas ingris neh...
Bro,makasih dah ngelink aku ya,punya kamu ada diurutan M...
November 14, 2008 at 8:39 AM
makasih ya udah comment di blognya acy, tapi berhubung acy nggak bisa english ya udah met ngerancang aza yaw pak arsitek :)