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Floor is one of the elements contained in Architecture. Floor Covering Materials are several kinds, such as, concrete, ceramics, marble, steel plate, glass, wood, and etc. One of the floor covering material that we will learn is the wood. There are 2(two) Wood Floor Form, regular, and irregular form. As a form of regularity; collated row, and a row, this form of a general often found on the pier wood floor, this form of order and the board tend to be rigid. While the form of irregularly used to show effects thus do not feel certain monoton, for example, on the parquet floor. This tutorial will guide you on how to make the cover material from the wood floors (parquet), and I assume that this tutorial is intended for the beginner level and understand the use of basic software on the'3dsMax ' very well.

1) Go to 3dsMax software, and start by creating a box with the size of a thick; 0:02 m, 5 m in length and width of 3 m. (on the scale of the size of the box that we will use as a floor, you can set you up). Then give the name of the object box with the 'floor'.

2) Press' M 'on your keyboard to display the Material / Map Browser,' then change the settings without any application of material standard slot on the objects' floor '. Click the left slot on the material standards, hold, then slowly move the object on the 'floor'. Back in the Material / Map Browser, click on the 'diffuse' so it appears a 'floating bar' new slide 'slidebar' to down to the choice of 'Tiles' left click twice to applicate it to the material.

3) Once selected, in the 'Standard Controls' select' Custom Tiles '.

4) In the 'Advanced Controls' values change from the' horiz and Vert Count 'to; 20 for' horiz Count 'and 100 in the' Vert Count '. besides that, change the 'Color variance' to 0.5, 'Horizontal Gap' and 'Vertical Gap' to 0:01. (This step is to set the scale pattern that will become a reference for the texture of the object).

5) Then we will create 'UVW Map' menu by selecting 'modifier', 'UV Coordinates,' and select 'UVW Map' (This step is the implementation of how the size scale of the texture of the object. Remember the value of the amount must be greater than the size of the object was 3 mx 5 m so that the texture is done repeatedly, but not monoton).

6) Select 'Mapping' box on the 'Sidebar Menu' to the right of the screen, visible 'UVW Map Paremeters', and change paremeters to 10 m for' Length 'and 10 m for' Width '.

7) Click the '-' in the 'Standard Control' to undermine the menu. And on the menu 'Advanced Controls' slide' sidebar 'slow-down menu to' Stacking layout '. Modifications' Line Shift 'and' Random Shift to be 0.0 and 1.2. (This step is to change the basic pattern that we will use that to be random and not uniform).

8) Back in the 'Tiles setup', click on the left side of the box 'none' to the new menu appears. Then gently slide the 'sidebar' down to the 'Wood,' and left click twice to apply. Once the menu appears Material Editor 'change options' Source' to "Explicit Channel Map 'and' Map Channel 'to 2, and' Grain Thickness' to 2.5. (This step is to create a 'layer' in the new 'Tile Map' with the motive timber).

09) To complete the defenition from 'Explicit Channel Map' 2, make 'UVW Map' over new 'UVW Map' existing. Select 'Mapping' box on the 'Sidebar Menu' to the right of the screen, visible 'UVW Map Paremeters', and change paremeters to 10 m for' Length 'and 10 m for' Width '..

10) Then press' F9 'to see the results of' rendering 'temporary. Well, enough already seen what we have modifications required?

11) To have the texture of the object can be seen on the screen, create a light 'Omni' on the screen. Then specify its position above the objects' floor 'so that the texture can be seen properly.

12) Make modifications in the light paremeter 'Omni' menu by pressing 'tools', and' Light Lister 'as shown in the picture above.

13) To make the environment a more realistic texture, specify the options' Exposure Control 'by pressing'8' on the keyboard. Select 'Logaritmic Exposure Control' and change paremeter appropriate image.

14) Back in the Material Editor 'with the' M ', change' Specular Highlight Paremeter 'to 80 for' Specular Level 'and 20 for' Glossiness'. (This step is to create the texture of the object 'floor' to become more shiny, reflective and slightly).

15) Still on the options' Material Editor 'slide' slidebar 'to the menu' Maps', then copy the 'Diffuse Color' menu to 'Bump' with the way the left click 'Map # 1 (Tiles)' on 'Diffuse Color' resistance click on the left and gently slide down to the 'Bump'. (This step is done to create objects become visible, such as three-dimensional (3d)).

16) Click setting 'Bump' which is copied, change the color texture into 'white', and 'grout Setup' to the color of 'black'.

17) You can see the results of this tutorial.


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